
Friday, January 21, 2011


I've been thinking lately about my header up there and the little tag line I have. I sometimes wonder if it's appropriate for my life. I mean, I WANT to be transformed, but I think I am hardly there. Sometimes I feel renewed, but not always. But that's ok, right? Redeemed, hmmm, I just don't know.

I want to kind of digest the word Transform for a bit. Some definitions say that transform is to change the form or outward appearance of; to change the condition, nature, or function of; convert; to change the personality or character of.

In some ways I have transformed. Especially in my mind and heart.

One of my favorite verses is Romans 12:2, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. NIV"

I love the New Living Translation, Don't "copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

Our transformation starts in our minds.

The first year I was saved, I worried and worried about things of this world, especially money. Today, I know that God is our provider and HE has worked in our lives so much. To see God pull off the unimaginable is truly a remarkable experience. I sit back in awe of HIM over and over again. Another transformation that has started in my mind is to be content regardless of our circumstances. This is truly a God given miracle for me to feel content regardless of what is happening in our lives.

Then there is the physical transformation. Oh Lord, please help me. My physical transformation journey is highlighted in the recent issue of GoodLiving Magazine.

My Story:

My story began on Nov 2nd when I sat
in my primary care doctor’s office and
saw what the number on the scale was
screaming back at me. It was such a
shock. But really, was it? I knew that I was
getting bigger and bigger. I could feel it
with every step that I took.

Some days I would wonder if this was the
day I would have a heart attack. OR even
worse, was this the day my kids would be
embarrassed of me because their Mama
is FAT. Sometimes I think that struggle
is harder to handle than the medical
struggle. I knew from that moment in my
doctor’s office that I could not do this on
my own. I had to surrender completely
and wrote on my blog that day, “Not sure
what it’s going to take for me to pull it
together. I am extremely uncomfortable.
My breathing is shallow. I have heart
palpitations. My knees and feet hurt
so badly. My lungs wheeze. What else?
Physically I am dying. I was made for so
much more.”

Th e very next day I wrote, “Today God
answered a huge prayer. A few weeks ago
I started to walk into this martial arts
studio about 40 seconds from my house.
I chickened out. I’ve been stalking their
website for weeks reading about their
KUT program: nine weeks of kickboxing,
fitness, exercise, nutrition, etc. I started
praying about it and asking God if I
should share my story in the magazine.
Do I want to expose myself so much?”

That was the day I received a call from
a lady named Vickie who had just been
given an issue of GoodLiving and she
was calling to get information. Just as
God works miracles every day, he made
it possible for me to start their program.
I started my KUT class the very next
day at 6 a.m.

It’s funny how God worked this out,
because there’s a catch. I had to commit
to early mornings and I’ve always
struggled with getting up early. Th e only
time that worked for me was 6 a.m. Th e
class consists of a 10-minute stretch; 35
minutes of cardio kickboxing then cool
down. On Tuesday and Thursday we
have a power bands class that focuses on
upper & lower body.

KUT stands for Kickboxers Ultimate
Training and I’ve always loved Kickboxing.
Remember, Tae Bo with Billy
Blanks? Long ago, I was all over that VHS
series. I feel empowered and strong
when I’m punching and kicking that
bag. The encouragement and support
from Vickie and the other women in
the class is unlike any other “work out”
experience I have had. Needless to say,
walking in to the studio each day is a
HUGE challenge. I am especially cranky
when I get there, but at the end, Vickie
reminds us that we did something really good
for ourselves and that we should be proud.
That comment alone makes it all worth it.
In just a few short weeks I feel so much
better. I can move a little easier and I’m not
so short on breath. Being healthier is my
long term goal. It will take a year to lose
the weight I need to lose and I’m ok with
that. I plan to be kickboxing for a long
time and will definitely keep you posted.

More about the KUT program at TOPS
Martial Arts in Clearwater: KUT has been
scientifically designed to quickly and effectively
burn away unwanted fat and replace
it with lean, sculpted, flexible muscle.
What’s even better is KUT offers every
participant the individual attention and
professional expertise necessary to help
anyone reach health and fitness goals that,
up until now, may have seemed impossible.

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