God is definitely moving in our lives these days. Greg and I are facing some major adversity and yet in the midst of it all the storm is so calm and I have such contentment in my life. To be honest, I am so happy. Peace that surpasses all understanding. Seriously! I know what that feels like. I cannot explain it though. I am very grateful for our situation even though it totally doesn't look pretty.
We are still planning and talking about Virginia. We live by Faith, so by Faith we believe that all will come together and we will be leaving for Virginia on Christmas day. Wow, what a gift that will be. My mom totally doesn't get it. I guess I understand. Sort of. When I didn't live by Faith and only lived by Fear then I didn't get it either. She says that we don't live in reality. If she only knew what this feels like. I pray that she will know one day. I would take my worst day walking with the Lord then my best day not with the Lord. I told her today that I would rather live by Faith and Hope and Trust that all things will work out for us than live the life she lives in Fear or never doing anything because "oh, I don't have the money today". We didn't have the money we needed for our power bill on Friday - then by the Grace of God it gets paid on Monday morning. That was only God. No body else could of pulled that off.
How can you not believe?
I've seen God move so much lately and it is incredible to witness. AND, if all things work out for Christmas and our trip then what a witness this will be and how God will be so Glorified. I pray that God, and God only will be seen so huge in our situation right now. It doesn't look pretty, but I believe Lord, I Trust YOU. I do not wait on man but I wait on you.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Your faith is a gift. Continued Blessings.