
Sunday, August 22, 2010

A new year......

It's the most wonderful time of the year!! It's back to school time and Bella & Gavin are heading back tomorrow at 8am. Wow, 1st grade and 3rd grade. How the time flies. I remember being a young child and my mother and grandma would say to me, "jenny, don't wish your life away, when you get older time goes quickly". As a child I could never understand that. I just wanted to be older. How I wish I could go back and trust them and realize that time needs to be savored and not taken for granted.

I look at the beginning of the school year as "a new year" for mama. It's time to practice getting up earlier and maximizing my morning time. It's about taking care of myself and staying on top of my chores throughout the day so when the kids get home we have a productive afternoon. It's about being there for my family first.

I had my dear friend share some truth with me again this weekend. She always shares truth and she knows me so well. She said that I'm the perfect friend for the Narcissistic personality type friends that I have. I am so into their lives and what they are doing that my narcissistic friends thrive on that because it allows them to continue being and thinking they are so self important. This is so true. I've been this way for years. I get so wrapped up in other peoples lives and stories that my own life suffers. It's because I don't want to look at myself and all the things I'm not doing or should be doing. You know, I still don't have to look at it like the things I'm not doing, I want to start doing those things that I haven't started doing yet. Do you know what I mean?

So, with this new school year starting I say Hallelujah, it's going to be a great year for us all. My God is first, then my family!!

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