It was actually the first Christmas where it didn't seem stressful. Although, Gavin woke up and started the morning fine, but within an hour he was throwing up and not feeling well. He really was slow moving all day. All in all he had a great day.
One thing that really highlighted our Christmas time for me was a comment Gavin made yesterday. He said to me, "Mama, this is going to be the best Christmas ever" and I said "why", and Gavin said, "because it's Jackson's first Christmas". Wow, what a tender heart Gavin has. I think about this and it brings Joy to my heart. It really was said in the true spirit of Christmas. That we are to think of others first.
Thank you Lord for my family. Thank you for entrusting me and Greg to care for your children. Thank you for this beautiful gift!
Wait, was your tree in 2 different places in these pictures? It takes a very perceptive person to notice these things. But then again, who moves their Christmas tree around like its an accessory? Silly, question. Silly me.