
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mr. Sweetie

Ecclesiastes 3 Time for Everything

1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: 2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, 5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, 6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, 7 a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, 8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

This beautiful verse comes to mind on this last day of 2009. I can't say that this was a terrible year because this year started with the birth of our son, Jackson. Jackson has made me a better mother, wife and friend. Jackson is truly a blessing from above. Today on the last day of 2009 my family and I are faced with a decision about our kitty, Mr. Sweetie. Mr. Sweetie came to us in March of this year. He came to us from a tough background and we welcomed him into our home. He has been wonderful with Jackson and the kids. Most importantly he made his way into Greg's heart. Greg and Mr. Sweetie have been the best of friends. Today, Mr. Sweetie is very sick and the cost to care for him may run between $3,000-$5,000. This is an expense we cannot afford. My heart breaks to have to make a difficult decision.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Gavin

Today I won a contest. The question was, "what is something that you wish you were told before you were a mom". My answer was, "I wish someone told me that there would be some days that you wish you weren't a mom". Well, they asked us to be completely honest. And I answered the question honestly. And it got the family 4 tickets to MOSI Imax. I'm sure some mom's would shreik with utter shock & awe at an answer like that. To me, it was the truth for many many years. Today I have to say, that I am so excited and happy to be a mom. I know God had a plan all along like he always does and I had to go through the valley of some very dark and lonely mommy days. Now today I am the happiest Mommy in the world to my 3 kids. And we will never forget our Sammy who is our Angel baby in Heaven.

Today, the 30th, is Gavin's 6th birthday! Happy Birthday baby boy. I am so proud to be your mommy. I cannot wait to see what the day will bring to you and to us as a family. Daddy has surprised us all with taking the day off and we plan to have a blast!

Thank you Lord for my family and for today. Today, I am so happy to be a Mommy.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Is it bad that Jackson stops dead in his tracks if he hears Spongebob on the t.v? The minute the intro song starts he is all about getting to the t.v. as fast as possible to be as close to the t.v. before the song is over. It is quite funny actually. I personally find Spongebob to be hilarious; and I find Mr. Crabs to be a lesson to my children. It gives me the opportunity to teach about greed and unhappiness. Am I stretching out on a limb here to justify my kids watching Spongebob? He's really like one of the family. He has been on our t.v. since Bella was just a few months old. I mean, she knew the song too? "who lives in a pineapple under the sea". It's just so catchy.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Bella Grace is sick!

Bella and I just got back from After Hours Pediatrics and our little girl DOES have an ear infection. Not that I didn't believe her the past three days BUT, I am an experienced Mommy of 3 kiddies, and I know when it is necessary to run to urgent care. Ok, really, I totally thought because she didn't have a fever, that she didn't have an infection and that truly, Bella was being dramatic. Not that I would know anything about drama!

So, she is now on antibiotics and ear drops for the PAIN. Yes, she has been in pain for three days now and I've blown it off like lint from a white napkin. Why do restaurants give us those by the way?

I'm trying not to feel mommyguilt. That really should be a word because we mommy's feel the guilt way too often. Whats up with that?

Off to kiss my little girl and tell her I love her!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Beautiful day.

It was actually the first Christmas where it didn't seem stressful. Although, Gavin woke up and started the morning fine, but within an hour he was throwing up and not feeling well. He really was slow moving all day. All in all he had a great day.

One thing that really highlighted our Christmas time for me was a comment Gavin made yesterday. He said to me, "Mama, this is going to be the best Christmas ever" and I said "why", and Gavin said, "because it's Jackson's first Christmas". Wow, what a tender heart Gavin has. I think about this and it brings Joy to my heart. It really was said in the true spirit of Christmas. That we are to think of others first.

Thank you Lord for my family. Thank you for entrusting me and Greg to care for your children. Thank you for this beautiful gift!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It Begins...

Two weeks of fun filled Harvey entertainment. Oh goodness, what is a mama to do. At least I don't have to wake up and stumble to the kitchen to make lunches. Why don't I ever do that in the evenings by the way? I am excited for Christmas break. I am planning to take the kids to Busch Gardens for Gavin's birthday. Oh yay, Greg, meant to tell you that! Hopefully we'll get to see some movies together and maybe Mimi will take a kid here and there. Overall, I am most looking forward to cuddling up with Greg and bringing in the new year together. 2010!! It goes so fast.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Bella is a lucky girl! She has a daddy that loves her so much and they have this really special relationship. Daddy & Bella went out shopping tonight and you can see how important this time was with her daddy. I thank God everyday that Bella has her daddy.

Santa 2009

It's a Christmas miracle! They are all looking at the camera!


We had a wonderful time at Lowry Park Zoo Wild Wonderland. I cannot believe we have a family picture with everyone looking at the camera!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Cunning. Baffling. Deceptive. There are so many more words to define Addiction. The same words I could use to describe Satan.

As I tell my friend to get on her face, not just her knees, but her face, I realize that the exact advice I gave to her so arrogantly is the same words I need to use for myself. I told her to "just do it" and not think so much and to make a decision and to be a mother. I read those words and I need to take a hard look in the mirror at myself. Her addiction to a substance is the same addiction and disease that I have to food. The same disease. Why is it ok for me to tell her like it is and not practice what I preach?

Lord, help me to see this in myself and please show me the way.

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." Cor 10:13

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


What would marriage be without laughter? Gosh, probably really quiet and boring. Most days would be sad. But Greg continues to make me laugh unlike any laugh I have ever experienced. Each one getting better and better.

Tonight I made him a very quicky dinner. Nothing great, especially nothing I would really want to eat either. While I was getting Jackson ready for bed I noticed that it was awfully quick for him to finish dinner as I heard him get up and go to the kitchen. As I walk into the kitchen I see him throwing out the rest of the food and turn around like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar. Big eyes, then with the guiltiest of smiles - we laugh so uncontrollably. Hugging and hugging and cracking up so much. My stomach hurt like I just finished 1500 situps.

The kids watched us and giggled and wanted to know what was so funny.

"Daddy & Mommy just having an US moment"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have to say that I am incredibly, wonderfully blessed to have the friends that I do. I had a 104 minute conversation today with Jessica who is truly my sista from another motha. Well, that doesn't sound as good as when you say "brotha", but you know what I mean. We laugh so hard, we totally "get" eachother, we really have the best time on the phone.

Well, I just couldn't stand it, I did the sort a drop by today and brought her a bag o' felt which I knew she would love. Again, had the best 2 hours! I left her house feeling so full of frienderly love. Is that even a word or come close to making sense?

I just really need to thank God for giving me a great friend. Thank you Jess! Even though I know you don't read this because I am doing it in secret. One day, ya'll will know!

"I thank my God in every remembrance of you" Phili 1:3

Sunday, December 13, 2009


She's alive. That is what rings in my head at the moment. I felt so out of the loop and out of this world the past couple of days. I was incredibly sick with an upper respiratory thingy and tonsilitis. Can adults really get that? I think I would of rather been giving birth than feel the way I felt the past few days.

I do have to give many high fives to Greg. He did an incredible job with the kiddies while I was in bed all day pretty much since Thursday. Greg, I love you! Mom, thank you for coming in and handling all the laundry; although, you did totally suck at the whole motherly love thing while you were here. I know now it was about you worrying about me. Thank you!!

Today the kids and I got out of the house and ventured north to see the Sights & Sounds of Christmas in Hudson at the Word of Life center. What a trip that was. I was completely over zealous with my mission today. Kind of over did it. All in all, the kids had a great time and it was a wonderful show.

Now the week begins. Lots to do and look forward to. And that reminds me of one of my favorite verses.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Friday, December 11, 2009


Not feeling good today. I hate being sick. I'm ok if I don't swallow or talk. Now how reasonable is that? Just got to make sure the kiddies don't get it. Greg has been great and making sure I rest. We have a big weekend planned and I hope I can participate. Prayers!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Yesterday I decided that I wanted to make some cookies. Nothing from scratch, oh no, just pop em in the oven, then my mouth! While I was doing this the thought process in my head was, "wow, wouldn't it be nice for the kids to come home from school everyday with the smell of cookies in the house and a nice plate for them." Um, hello??? Who am I kidding? My motive the entire time was about me and me wanting the cookies. But seriously, wasn't it like that back in the day? I picture Leave it to Beaver and the mama dressed in a beautiful summer dress, her hair all perfect, makeup done, apron on, and when the family comes home she twirls around in bliss, dancing around the room. Yay, no, not here. I'm lucky if I actually get out of my p.j.'s for the day. But I love every minute of it. I truly am enjoying every second I am home with Jackson, and I am blessed to be able to pick up Bella & Gavin up from school. Thank you God! Now, back to baking some cookies!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I'm watching the Biggest Loser finale and I want pumpkin pie. Is that terrible? Every time I watch this show I think about pie. See, I start to write two sentences and I want to stop. The voice in my head says that I don't have anything good to say. I mean really? I am doing this for me and my family. So, what's the big deal? My wonderful mommy friend asked me today "why do you want to start a blog". I am so inspired by so many blogs out there and I am completely envious of the ones that stay up with it. Just keep me coming back here one day at a time. Gosh, so cliche!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Fear is paralyzing. Fear makes me stop dead in my tracks. Fear makes me still without movement. Fear sucks. Fear is absolute sin. Fear is of the devil. I shall not fear. What am I afraid of anyways?


I really want to learn LR. There are so many cool mommy bloggers out there that do some amazing stuff with their pictures. Here is my first attempt.

Now onto uploading more pictures.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I went to take a nap at 4:30 yesterday afternoon and I woke up briefly to Tebow crying on the t.v., then at 7am this morning. What a great nap Daddy! Thank you.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Everyone tells me how funny this is, so I guess it is. Bella yells to me from across the house, "mama, Jackson has a dust bunny in his mouth". Yes, at first thought it is funny, but overall, not so much. It shows me once again that my house is a mess. It's a reminder of the things I'm not doing well. I would much rather be reading or writing. I mean, wouldn't you? This goes into the fact that I am obsessed with mommy blogs; therefore, I am going to start my own. Not sure where this will go, I'm just praying that it continues.