
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Change - nobody likes it

The family has not adjusted too well to going natural and clean in the kitchen.  They had a fit when I dumped the pantry of pretty much everything in a box or if I couldn't pronounce the ingredients.

I know Greg wants me healthy and feeling better and losing weight but his attitude about the type of food we have to eat isn't very excited about it.  I know it's an adjustment for all of us and it's hard, really hard.

I put some crappy food in my body yesterday.  Due to very poor planning on my part I was at a birthday party with processed food galore.  There was no way out.  I gave in to hotdogs (no bun), chips, canned chili and baked beans.  None of it tasted good and I immediately was in the bathroom.  I did not have any cupcakes or sugar - thank God.

Today my tummy has been churning a lot and I've been trying to figure out what I had that wasn't good.  Probably the cream of mushroom soup I used in the chicken.  I want that out of the house too and I know it's not a good choice, but I did it anyways.  Paying the price now.

How many times have I asked Greg or someone with me to remind me how I'm feeling at this moment so I never eat X again?  I've said that more times than I can count.  This little blog needs to be my reminder too.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

I think it's time

I think it's time to update and write regularly. I want to tell EVERYONE how incredible I am feeling. For 8 days now I haven't had any high fructose corn syrup, wheat, corn, sesame, peanut and basically anything that is processed. WOW! My head is clearing up, my energy level is strong and I am not in the bathroom 6-8 times a day. I haven't heard my kids yelling for me to get out of the bathroom. I haven't woken up with cramps and pain in my gut for days.

Yes, I have a tremendous amount of body fat and weight to lose; however, that is just the bonus to how I am feeling right now. Food has been killing me from the inside out. I've always known that this was an inside job - to finally get healthy from the inside first, but I didn't know that it was going to be like this.

It all happens in HIS time.

For a few months now I have been diving into the Word more and working with two leaders at my Church. And I know now in my heart that Jesus loves me no matter what. Head knowledge doesn't matter, it's what we know in our heart.  How I "feel" doesn't matter, but the Truth is what matters.

People close to me are probably thinking, "well, Jen, it's only been 8 days". People that know me well know that I'm a great starter but I suck at finishing. What am I going to be doing in 18 days, 28 days, 108 days? I know in my flesh I cannot continue this another day. I do not have the strength in my own mind and body to do this, BUT GOD. In Christ I can do all things and in Christ I am more than a conqueror.

Day day 8.